Test results March 2009. (Old oil cleaned up) Jackmaster filters were fitted to two test cars, a 6 cylinder engined Ford, running on LPG, and a Toyota 4 cylinder running on petrol. In both cars, the oil was left unchanged. The oil was not dirty but very dark, as you would expect in an engine that was properly maintained. After about 100 kilometres the oil in both cars was noticeably cleaner. After 1500 kilometres the oil in the 6 cylinder Ford, on LPG, was almost as clean in colour as new oil. The oil in the Toyota, running on petrol, was slightly more tinged with carbon than the Ford. Neither car was low mileage and the Ford was a reasonably well used engine, having done in excess of 250,000 kms. This can only mean that the filter is gradually removing sub micron particles of carbon down to fractions of a micron, as it is these particles which normally remain in the oil to create the black discolouration. The reason for the filter's effectiveness is that as the oil recirculates, the filter picks up the contaminants in stages. Larger particles and all water are trapped in the first pass. Some sub-micron particles are trapped at this stage and those that pass through are subsequently trapped when passing through the filter again. This indicates why the oil gradually cleans up. In applications where there is a very heavy carbon loading on the engine, as can be found in diesels, the production of new carbon can keep pace, to some extent, with the filter's capacity to remove it. The resulting oil will not harm the engine, as it only takes one pass to remove dangerous particles and water. In a future test we plan to run a test on an engine where the oil is absolutely filthy and far beyond its change period. There is no reason to suspect that the result will be any different to the results obtained in these two cases, other than taking longer to clean the oil. Test results January 2010. (Tappet noise eliminated) In June 2009 a Jackmaster filter was fitted to a 6 cylinder Fairlane with 165000 kms. on the clock. The oil and the full flow filter were changed and the vehicle resumed its normal duties. It had an annoying tappet noise which came and went at idling and had been persistent for some time. The filter element was changed at 170000 kms and again at 182000 kms. The oil has not been changed since the filter was installed and has remained clean enough to read the dip-stick easily. The owner claimed that the ticking tappet noise became less frequent at around 175000 and it was completely gone by the time we changed the element the second time. This indicates that the engine components have gradually become cleaner, with varnish and carbon buildup being removed from the hydraulic tappets. Varnish and fine carbon accumulation are both causes of tappet noise. They will gradually disapear as the oil is constantly cleaned by the bypass filter and further buildup is prevented. Varnish and other by-products which evolve from heat-damaged oil and fuel combustion are collected by the bypass filter as they circulate. The full flow filter is unable to collect them due to its design. This test will continue and we will change the next element at 190000 kms. We intend to leave the oil unchanged indefinitely. Use for filtering Waste Vegetable Oil. This filter is being used to clean up WVO, SVO for use in engines running on SVO. The feedback from a customer is that it is filtering 1000 litres of oil with each element before blocking up. The rate of filtration is 200 litres per hour. The vehicle running on this oil is a Mercedes Diesel and has done 60,000 kms on WVO filtered through the Jackmaster filter with no issues arising. Contact me regarding further information on this. Fairlane using less oil. A Fairlane was fitted with a bypass filter at 193,000 kms. This vehicle was not well looked after and was using around a litre of oil in 1500kms. After running 20,000 kms on bypass filtration the engine has settled down to using a litre of oil in, around, 5,000 kms. This is a bit of a mystery and was an unexpected result. It can only be attributed to the rings having been cleaned of gunk and varnish. The engine is not receiving oil changes and the oil looks almost new after a top up of 1/2 a litre which indicates a very low level of sub-micron carbon. The first bypass filter element was run for 5000 kms and the current element has done 15000 kms - we won't change it for a while yet. Toyota Diesel - Great endurance test for Jackmaster A Toyota 2H diesel had unusually black oil and suffered a sludge problem. A Jackmaster Oil Filter was fitted. The owner reported a leak from under the lid seal which came when the engine heated up. Jackmaster immediately sent another filter. The owner reported the same fault. We suspected ultra high oil pressure. It was found to be 65PSI at idle and 145PSI at 2000 RPM. At higher revs it would have gone through the roof. The fault was a simple fix with the oil pressure pump relief valve. It was calculated that at the median range of RPM there would have been over 3/4 of a ton of force trying to tear the lid off the Jackmaster. Similar faults have caused spin-on filters to burst and explode off the engine. The Jackmaster had been connected for quite a few kms which indicates just how robust this filter actually is. When the oil pressure was adjusted the engine ran about 40% cooler. Of course the Jackmaster will make it run cooler still. I would think that the unusually high oil contamination in this engine was caused by the oil pressure problem. This vehicle is now under test to get an idea of how much difference a Jackmaster will make.